Tuesday, 24 March 2009

New Computer

Well hopefully I should get my new PC in the next couple of days. Its been so long since I had a new PC. Its been a fairly long wait so far, two weeks.

I got Left 4 Dead and Lich King for it so looking forward to that.

Customers Go To The Beach

A customer brought this in today. Where the hell have they been with it? The photo quality isn't the best but it does look like they took it to the beach.


Monday, 23 March 2009

Effort is going to be made.

Well, it seems that I haven't been updating this blog very often now have I. However this is going to be a new start and I am going to try and update this every 3 days at maximum.

Started learning LINQ, have to say I am very impressed with it. I remember that it wasn't long ago when I hated Microsoft. Every day I am liking them more and more, LINQ, SQL SERVER 2008, .NET. I suppose it is easy to hate something which is massive succesfully entity.

Friday, 19 January 2007

Lets see how long this lasts!

Well if I can be arsed this blog will be about the amazing working life of me. I work (hopefully i'll win the lottery soon!) in a small web developer company.